I wrote this story when my kids were much younger. The reason it is separated into acts is because it was used as a Christmas play at our church. Act One(Joseph is working at his workbench just in front of his carpenter shop) Someone had just yelled out, “When do you plan on leaving?” Joseph […]
Year: 2018
Gaslighting – A Serious and Irresponsible Allegation
Recently I was made aware of an article written by someone who claims she has been gaslighted by her church. This article begins with the author’s claiming “I don’t sleep through the night anymore. I suffer from near daily panic attacks and almost constant anxiety. The source of my joy, my security and my identity […]
Psalm 1
Blessings come when we daily, all of the time, meditate on the things of God. I believe this to be more than just reading and meditating on the words of the Bible. After all, it would be nearly impossible to be reading all day and all night. So the Psalmist must be referring to more […]
Jimmy lay on his bed crying. They were not the usual tears of a ten year old boy. They were not tears because he had been scolded. They were not tears because he did not get his way, or because his sister had once again gone too far with her teasing ways. They were not […]