We Are Not as Woke as We Think
Ben Shapiro was right when he wrote, “The product of the woke crusade will not be a less racist America but a more polarized one. That’s because the woke crusade is not truly about reducing racism; it is about attacking fundamental institutions, American history, and our very culture of rights. All the things we share must be eviscerated. So we will share nothing. And then the true ugliness begins.”
It appears we are not as woke as we think we are. When all is said and done, there will be an even angrier America with even deeper racial problems. Perhaps in reality, those who pull down statues of Washington and Jefferson have accomplished little other than feeling special at the expense of the most special country in human history, and at the expense of their fellow citizens. “Some Americans will never appreciate America, until after they have helped destroy it, and have then begun to suffer the consequences.”
Blacks who’ve been taught that their difficulties in life are due to racism will only get angrier. White people who know they are not racist will grow increasingly resentful at the character assassination and guilt by “whiteness.” White people who are misled by this nonsense will only feel more self-loathing. In the end, it will produce an America full of people hating themselves, other races, or both.
Radical leftists know that in order to move Americans to abandon and reject their heritage and to embrace the “social justice” lie of Marxist equity, they must be deceived into believing they are fighting the good fight against evil “systemic racism,” and that by doing so they will be on the “right side of history.” Sadly the Leftmedia has had significant success getting Americans to believe the lie. But it also serves as a motivator to challenge and stand against this bogus racist caricature of America. Their aim is to divide and destroy. Don’t fall for it.
In fact, no country has done more to combat genuine systemic racism than has the United States. This makes sense because, at our core, America is a nation uniquely founded upon the belief that every human being is created with dignity and endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights. And, although imperfect, American history reveals a nation seeking to genuinely live up to these founding ideals.
We are all human beings created by our Creator. This reality was recognized by our nation’s founders when they declared that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The birth of the United States of America was called the great American experiment. This experiment has and does rest on the belief that recognizing the individuality of humanity will serve to reinforce the fact that all of humanity have common God created characteristics and attributes.
So it seems that exposing and fighting against racism is not what is genuinely behind this “anti-racism” movement. The truth is that the vast majority of Americans hate racism, so to get Americans to hate America the Left media paints the false narrative of the country as replete with racism down to its very core.
If racism is systemic in America then, by definition, all people in America are racist. Including not only whites, but also Blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, and every other person classified by the Democratic Party as alleged victims. The real “systemic racism” is the result of the amazingly large number of Democrat policy failures. Most of these socialist policy failures started with Lyndon Johnson’s so-called “Great Society.” Those socialist style policies have effectively institutionalized poverty in our nation’s largest cities, which in turn has given rise to black-on-black violence, about which Democrats maintain a deafening silence because it does not fit their political narrative.
As Thomas Sowell (a Black columnist) observed: “Many successful political careers have been built on giving blacks ‘favors’ that look good on the surface but do lasting damage in the long run. One of these ‘favors’ was the welfare state. A vastly expanded welfare state in the 1960s destroyed the black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and generations of racial oppression.”
Thomas Sowell also explained the devastating effects of welfare in a 2015 column. He wrote, “Non-judgmental subsidies of counterproductive lifestyles are treating people as if they were livestock, to be fed and tended by others in a welfare state — and yet expecting them to develop as human beings have developed when facing the challenges of life themselves.” Sowell concludes: “Racism is not dead. But it is on life-support, kept alive mainly by the people who use it for an excuse or to keep minority communities fearful or resentful enough to turn out as a voting bloc on election day. … Have we become a country whose leaders are charlatans, and whose people are sheep?”