“The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9 NASB). Sometimes it can be difficult to allow the Lord control of our lives. We want to plan and control what we do and where we go, even though, deep inside, we know it is best for us when we follow God’s […]
Category: Bible
The Secular Concept of Moral (un)Certainty and the Christian Answer
Introduction A philosophy of life which best describes the moral character of the hippie culture in the 1960s is summed up in the phrase, “if it feels good do it.” Of course this was not a new concept, but this philosophy flourished in the hippie era. They saw this as the most natural way to […]
Isaiah 35:1-10
When we experience grief at the loss of someone we dearly love, few of us, in the sorrow of the moment, can imagine what it is like to be overtaken by gladness and joy. My dad used to tell us that when someone dies we do not so much grieve for them as we do […]
Psalm 1
Blessings come when we daily, all of the time, meditate on the things of God. I believe this to be more than just reading and meditating on the words of the Bible. After all, it would be nearly impossible to be reading all day and all night. So the Psalmist must be referring to more […]
Where’s The Truth?
We learn early in life that the person who tells his side of the story first will have greater control of the way the story is told. The person who talks first and loudest will have a greater chance of being believed. Today’s political situations are perfect examples of this principle. If you tell a lie loud enough, […]
The Power of Weeping
In Matthew, at the end of chapter 26, we read of Peter’s denial of Christ. After the third denial, “Peter remembered the word which Jesus had said, ‘Before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.’ And he went out and wept bitterly.” (Matthew 26:75 NASB) When you know the whole story of Peter’s walk with God, you […]
Resolve to Strengthen What Remains
Most people I know, if you were to ask them, would tell you that they don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. Yet most people will admit that in general for the new year, they do resolve to be better persons. This thought of being a better person can mean different things for each person. Some just want to […]