Do We Want a Nation Built on Love of Country or One Built on Hate.

The other day I was listening to a commentator explaining his thoughts on the difference between Biden supporters and Trump supporters. He commented that Trump supporters were, for the most part, extremely committed to their candidate.

There was little he, or anyone else, could do to cause them to question their loyalty to him. Indeed they voted for him out of loyalty to what they knew to be his commitment to the core values that they wanted both for their leaders, and for their own lives. They were able to look beyond his “Twitter” behavior, and rude comments, and see someone who supported their idea of America.

Biden supporters, on the other hand, did not necessarily vote for him because of his core values. The truth is that it was not easy to determine just what his core values included.

Many who voted for Biden did so out of a deep felt hatred for Trump. Mostly these were voters who either agreed with or were part of groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, The Lincoln Project, and other “never Trumpers.” In other words, their motive for voting for Biden had less to do with him, and more to do with their hatred of Trump, and what they felt Trump stood for.

The take away from these comments was that if Trump wins, his administration will be built upon the foundation of loyalty, the core values that makes America great, and a belief that America is made up primarily of good, hard working, God fearing people.

On the other hand, a Biden administration will be built on a foundation of hate, discontent, and blaming America for their own failures.

The question for America then becomes: What kind of nation would you rather live in? The outcome of this election could not be clearer. We will either become a nation built on love of country, or a nation built on hate.

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