The Tone of Our Prayers

We have a tendency at times to feel guilty about the tone of our prayers.  This often happens when we realize that are prayers seem mostly to be a list of wants; of requests for things we feel we need.  Even our intercessory prayers seem sometimes to be more on autopilot, than truly heartfelt prayerful concern for others.

But, instead of feeling guilt about the tone and content of our prayers, we should let them serve as a reminder that in everything we are dependent on God.  Everything I need will come from God.  Every want I have will be dependent on the grace of God.  Every time I intercede in prayer I am acknowledging God’s power.

Sure, as I talk with God, it is good to spend time in gratitude and blessing.  It is a wonderful thing to give God praise.  That is an integral part of prayer; of talking with God.  But don’t feel guilty about all your many requests you bring to Him day after day after day.  God wants to hear your requests.  By giving them to Him you are acknowledging both your need for Him, and that you believe in His power, mercy, and grace.

So continue to ask Him.  And revel in His love! 

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