Oregon is once again in lockdown. Which means a limit of 25 people (changed this week to 25% of capacity) are allowed in a church service. Our governor here in Oregon has called on citizens to turn in anyone they feel are violating her new COVID restrictions. For that reason, sadly, I feel I must make this post/blog entry as a hypothetical. Maybe it’s a hypothetical, maybe it’s the truth. I am not willing to say. On Nov. 22, 2020, we held our service in our sanctuary as usual. We counted up to 25 people, but who knows, maybe more people came! We were going to send some people home when the government ordered limit was reached? But we couldn’t decide who was unworthy. Certainly I wasn’t willing to make that decision. So, we all stayed for the entire service.
And, if we did go over the prescribed limit (hypothetically remember), it was partially because of visitors who knew nothing about the governor’s restrictions. We at first told them they should go home and watch our live stream until we found out they were traveling and from another state. We then informed them that it was now a crime to be with over 25 people in a worship service, but we had a solution, if they were willing.
We asked if they would be willing to dress as drug addicts, with needles as props; because it may be a crime to attend a worship service, but all drugs are now legal in Oregon. Like so many people, they were hungry for fellowship and corporate worship, so they agreed to become “addicts.” This tells me that people want to go to church. They crave the fellowship. They need to hear the word.
We were confident the COVID police would look at these “addicts,” and assume we were in lockstep in following orders from the government. But just in case, we put lookouts at all the church entryways because the governor or one of her minions could be lurking outside. This was a legitimate concern since, like I said, she called on all citizens to turn in any neighbor who they thought might cross the governor.
Of course not all of this happened, though I am still unwilling to say whether or not we went over the 25 person limit. Why? Because these “martial law” type restrictions are real. If we confess that we did not follow the governor’s unconstitutional order we would likely have been jailed and fined. One year ago I only thought that, maybe, the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution was in jeopardy. Now, however, we live in a country where the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments are not just in jeopardy, but are literally ignored.
I am certain that the 2nd Amendment will be ignored as well since the Biden administration is already talking about supposedly legal ways to confiscate guns. Which, by the way, will immediately make millions of us criminals, because very few of those millions will give up their guns. This is not to mention the abolishment of checks and balances given to us by our founding fathers who saw the importance of three branches of government that could serve to limit the power of each other. This too will be effectively ignored if the left is able to “pack” the Supreme Court, add states to the Union, and abolish the filibuster. And this is only the beginning!
Satan knows this, and unfortunately, whether consciously or not, some government officials are allowing Satan to determine policy that prevents good citizens from having confidence in their elected officials, and our government in general. I fear Satan’s influence has only begun. His biggest goal is to trap people in sin. People will continue to feel trapped as long as their spiritual desires are hindered by government officials who seem to scoff at the idea that worship services are essential.
In some states, as in Oregon, citizens are prevented from having more than six people inside their own home for any reason, including last Thanksgiving. Not even family members who live at another residence were allowed to be in your home if it meant there will be over six people in attendance. Of course this executive order is unconstitutional. Oregon’s governor ordered that anyone who disobeys this executive order will be arrested, jailed, and fined. Again, she has called on everyone to turn in their neighbors if they think those neighbors are not following the order.
So the argument that we can still have Bible studies in our home in lieu of church services does not hold in Oregon and certain other states. And, to emphasize this loss, worship services that are exclusively experienced via “Zoom” type apps do not allow the worshippers to meet together as prescribed by God. Just as with our earthly families, lockdowns prevents the gathering of our spiritual family. The value of in person corporate worship is underscored throughout the Bible. (See Acts 2:42; Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 10:17; Ephesians 1:22-23; Hebrews 10:24-25, and Hebrews 13:3). Why is corporate worship important? For one thing, worshiping together with other believers is required for fellowship, an essential aspect of Christian living. This sense of community was part of the first church in which they devoted themselves to “the fellowship” of believers.
Satan not only works on non-believers. He is also the “… accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night,” (Revelation 12:10 NIV). Satan will accuse the believer of not caring for the health of others if you disagree with any level of COVID restrictions. For the same reason, he will accuse you of being a racist because one race is more vulnerable to COVID than another race. We’ve seen, over the last few months, how Satan has been able to use people and groups to accuse good people of everything from racism to homophobia to sexism to xenophobia. The accusations will continue and expand to all areas of our society. But, we serve a God that knows what’s going on. When Satan went before God to accuse Joshua, “The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you!” (Zechariah 3:2 NIV) We need not fear that God will not protect His people.
God is for us! He is with us! We take comfort in knowing this truth. But not all people realize this. We are told that the holidays, including Thanksgiving and Christmas, is not necessarily a time of joy for many people. Depression overcomes even the believer at times, but sadly affects the non-believers in greater numbers. We can only imagine how the effect of lockdowns will destroy the joy, or amplify the sadness of an unknown number of souls this season. They need to be able to share their feelings with others. They need the peace and hope they often find in worship at a church. They need the comfort and familiarity of intimate family gatherings. They need people around them to love them and even hug them.
Thomas Gallatin expressed this truth very well when he wrote: “What has become patently obvious is that many of America’s elected officials — primarily Democrats — have little regard for religious liberty at best and open disdain for it at worst. They view religious faith as akin to a personal hobby, not an essential and central feature of the lives of millions of Americans. To believers, going to church is an essential aspect of their lives. The Constitution recognizes religion and the free practice of it as a fundamental right that’s due protection of the highest order. It’s not just another social organization that can be shut down in emergencies. It is, in fact, the very soul, the very life blood of many American communities. It’s where Christians gather to worship God; it’s where they find eternal hope for the future; it’s where they encourage one another with the truth that the sovereign Creator of the universe is in control and will sustain them. Human governments aren’t God, nor can they ever hope to be.”
Scientists, a group that the left apparently depends on for guidance, have proven that you have a 99.99% chance to survive COVID. In other words it is not as dangerous or fatal as many left wing politicians and media claim. To any reasonable person this certainly would not be a reason to be in favor of closing so many jobs, events and institutions across the country. It is nothing less than the presence of evil that would allow churches, that have a special Constitutional protection, to be closed or limited while, at the same time, allow to remain open abortion clinics, strip clubs, and marijuana dispensaries. “This is obvious targeted discrimination. Leftists and secular government officials have no tolerance for biblical Christianity, so they’re using COVID as an excuse to shut us down.”
What can we do against government officials who continue to display disdain for the needs of those they are supposed to serve; officials who worry about the political repercussions of their decisions rather than the spiritual, physical and material needs of their constituents? We know the answer: We should pray. Not only for each other, but for our leaders. But we should use more of God’s weapons than just prayer. In Ephesians 6:11 Paul tells us we can, “Put on the full armor of God, so that [we] can take [our] stand against the devil’s schemes.” With God in front of us we can deal with Satan. But God provides His blessings and help . . . through people . . . through us. Though defeated Satan is still purposely working to spread evil. Christians need to understand who he is, and what he is able to do while he is still active. As long as one looks to Christ, victory can be achieved.
To defeat the enemy, we must know the enemy. We must understand the way he works. In 2 Corinthians 2:11, and the preceding verses, we are assured that there is a way we can live, “in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” Understanding Satan, however, is still not enough. We need be able to see where he is working to destroy lives. We are to, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8 NIV) This, I believe, needs to be emphasized: We Are To Be Alert! Peter goes on in verse 9 to remind us that we are not alone in this fight. “Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”
It doesn’t matter on which side of the political isle we favor; if we are alert we should be able to see how Satan is working through certain government elected officials; even those who do not realize they are being used. I’ve already given the example of Oregon, where people can openly use virtually any drug, from marijuana to heroin to “magic mushrooms,” and never fear arrest. But, if you have more than six people over for Thanksgiving you become a criminal! In many States people will once again be prevented from attending church for reasons that do not hold up to the Constitution. That is the kind of evil to which we must be alert.
We cannot allow ourselves to become too comfortable in our relationship with our Savior. We need to be alert to the fact that the devil is working diligently to completely destroy anything, and anyone, that would lead people to God. I fear that our grandchildren and their grandchildren may not live in a country where God is worshipped and adored. When that happens their opportunities to hear God’s Word, and experience His Love will likely be limited to clandestine services. I know I sound extreme, but what other outcome would occur when God is removed from our daily lives?
When Peter wrote, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour,” he was putting those words in the context of believers helping and serving each other. This is why Peter’s admonition to be alert to Satans wiles is so important; it helps and serves others so that all believers can “Resist [Satan, and stand] firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” (1 Peter 5:9 NIV)
We’ve been a nation that gives countries around the globe foreign aid; not necessarily to create allies, but to help these countries to fight poverty and develop economic growth. We’ve been a nation that has encouraged ministries to go into other countries to bring comfort at the local level, including the Word of God. But, if we are not alert to all the deceit and lies of Satan, including those who have allowed him to use them, we are in danger of causing “…the family of believers throughout the world,” to wonder if they are alone in there suffering.
We currently have a President who, even if he does not always practice love, recognizes evil. He has put into action a number of policies and orders that both protect and encourage Christian values. Whether one does or does not like our current President’s personal behavior, his actions in these areas should not be denigrated at the expense of values he actively upholds. I am convinced, on the other hand, that our President Elect has no clue as to the difference between good and evil. I am also convinced that many of those who will be advising him, and influencing his decisions, absolutely know the difference. For example, as Franklin Graham wrote, “LGBTQ activists within the Democratic Party are pushing their godless, secular agenda with a potential Biden Administration. If you don’t conform to their ideology, agree with their sinful beliefs, teach what they say is right, they want to close you down. They will pressure and bully politicians to get their way. It is extremely dangerous if they are permitted to proceed unchecked. If they are allowed free reign, they will go after the accreditation of Christian colleges, then Christian ministries and churches next, to strip them of tax-exempt status and try to force them to operate under policies that go against biblical teaching. This is not only an attack on free speech and expression, but also an attack on our religious liberty.” It is the normalization of evil right in front of our eyes.
This is why Christians must put on the “Full” armor given to us as we stand against the wiles of the devil. Prayer is our connection with God; the only won who can and has defeated Satan. To God be the glory! But we’ve been given the full armor for a reason. We are called to “stand before [God] in the gap on behalf of the land so [He] would not have to destroy it. … [So that He will not] pour out [His] wrath on them and consume them with [His] fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done.” (Ezekiel 22:30-31 NIV)
The Bible needs to become our favored sword by which we cut down the arguments of those who wish to ignore its truth. We must not be afraid to quote it and uphold its truths, even in the face of ridicule and accusations. With the shield of faith we can fend off these baseless accusations. I can go on, taking from Paul’s words in Ephesians chapter six. With the belt of truth buckled, the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation in place, we can help defeat evil where we stand. We are told to stand our ground. We cannot become complacent in our Christian walk. If we do we risk destruction — and thereby the overwhelming loss of many of our own loved ones. Throughout the Bible we see that God will destroy anything or anyone that has the potential to corrupt His children. We are on the precipice of destruction. Only our willingness to stand firm will save this nation from destruction.