Why I Care

America’s greatness was founded and is continually strengthened by Judeo-Christian traditions. When those traditions are ignored or completely rejected the exceptional greatness of American culture is at risk. Increasingly we are a nation no longer guided by moral or religious values. As I wrote in a previous blog entry: “We are in a state of flux and confusion because we are unsure of what will be deemed good or evil, truth or false, at any given moment. This is the essence of moral relevance. . . . The concept of “truth” is . . . affected. If man is free to choose his own values, truth also becomes relevant only to the feelings of the individual; it becomes a personal preference. If it feels right to me, that is my personal truth. We are told that we should speak our own truth, as though truth has no absolutes.”*

Related to this, we have seen a proliferation of hoaxes because it has become acceptable that the means justifies the ends. So, for example, it is okay for Representative Adam Schiff to lie about what was written in the whistleblower’s transcript concerning President Trump’s conversation with the President of Ukraine. His lie was his truth, so it is deemed okay to lie as long as it leads to the desired end; discrediting, and the possible impeachment of, President Trump.

So what can the Christian community of believers do to bring God back into our moral values? We must not stand by and simply believe God is in control. While it is undoubtedly true that God watches over us, that does not mean we should be comfortable with how our nation is moving away from God. I too believe God is in control. It is faith in that truth that gives me, and all of us, hope. But James tells us that faith without deeds actually counteracts faith. When faith is not supported by deeds, faith dies. “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” ‭‭(James‬ ‭2:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

Faith that God is in control will die if we do not act upon that faith. We must believe God can bring this nation back to Him. To keep that faith and make it stronger we must fight against those who want this nation to reject God. At the same time we must keep in mind that, as 2nd Corinthians tells us, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. . . .” (‭‭10:3-4‬a ‭NIV‬‬) We rightly interpret this to mean we must pray, and do so often. But I believe the Christians responsibility goes beyond prayer. We have faith that God hears our prayers, but we must keep that faith alive by believing God will give us the strength and courage to act on that faith.

In Proverbs 14:34 we read, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” We are condemned as a nation if we don’t allow God to work through us to turn this nation around. How can we sit still, and “let God handle it” while those against Christian values continue to spread their doctrine. In effect they are doing what we should be doing – spreading the word, or in the Christian’s case, spreading the Word. When we are motionless we are allowing them to indoctrinate everyone, especially our children, in ways contradictory to the Bible. This is why I care. This is why I write these blog entries.

*See – https://nottospeak.com/the-secular-concept-of-moral-uncertainty-and-the-christian-answer/

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